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For Partners and Webmasters

If you want to join our partner program and make money on referrals, please send your request to our Information Desk entering "S-Mail partner program" in the subject line of your letter. You will be given a special link which you can place at whichever Internet resources you like. All users who come from your link will have your partner ID. If they pay for S-Mail, you will get up to 30% from every payment. We will also provide you with any banner, button, skyscraper, etc. you like - absolutely free of charge.

If you just want to enter our webmaster program and promote your own site, then choose one of the buttons below, copy the appropriate HTML code into clipboard and paste it on your website. Or save a button image to your computer and upload it to your server manually.

1. "My mail - secured by S-Mail"

My mail is secured by S-Mail

2. "S-Mail - Secure Mail" (animated)

S-Mail - Secure Mail

We can also provide you with any banner, button, skyscraper, etc. you like - absolutely free of charge. Just drop a line to our Information Desk entering "S-Mail webmaster program" in the subject line of your letter and tell us what you need.

Thanks for your interest in S-Mail.

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